How Your AC Benefits from a Fresh Filter
Living in New Mexico means running your air conditioner. A lot. Considering just how much we depend upon our home cooling systems to keep us comfortable during our long, grueling summers, it only makes sense that you do everything possible to protect that system’s overall condition and its cooling performance. The best thing that any homeowner can do for any air conditioning system is to schedule routine air conditioning maintenance with trained professionals. Even this is not really enough, though.
Why? Because annual maintenance is just—annual. And the filter in your air conditioner needs changing more frequently than that—typically every 1-3 months. And that means that it is really up to you to ensure that the filter in your air conditioning system is clean at all times. If you’re wondering if it’s really worth the trouble, keep in mind that A) it’s quite simple to change the filter and B) it is definitely worth the minimal effort. Here’s why.
The Purpose of the Air Filter
To filter air. Now, moving on—just kidding. It’s not quite that simple.
Sure, the function of the air filter is to do just that: filter air. However, it’s the reason for filtering the air in this manner that confuses some people. These standard air filters in HVAC systems are not really there to clean the air circulating throughout the house. Not primarily, at least. Instead, these filters serve to protect the HVAC systems in which they’re installed. To clean up the air throughout an entire house, you’d really need a designated air filtration system.
It may sound like a pretty minor point, but the fact is that your air conditioner in Pecos is going to suffer greatly if you leave a very dirty air filter in place. The dirtier the filter, after all, the greater the airflow resistance. And therein lies the source of many problems that could have been easily and affordably avoided!
Issues Caused by Dirty Filters
So, if the air quality in the house isn’t the primary concern, what is? Well, let us ask you this. Do you like shelling out money for energy bills that are higher than they should be? We’re guessing no, and that is exactly why you should spend a few bucks on a new filter as needed.
The harder that it is for your system to force air through the air filter, the more energy that system is going to use when cooling your home. Plus, the added strain on the HVAC system in question is going to make operational issues more likely to develop. That means that you’ll probably be paying for repair services more frequently than you should have to, as well. Be sure to refer to your system’s manual or to the markings on the filter mount itself to ensure that you’re using an air filter compatible with your system.
Contact Santa Fe Express Plumbing & Drain for your AC service needs. WHY WAIT FOR SERVICE? When You Can Get It Express!